What is a software audit and why is it performed?

What is a software audit and why is it performed?

Modern enterprises rely heavily on software. They require a plethora of programs to function in order to facilitate daily tasks. It is critical for businesses to ensure that their software is on par with the industry standards and their competitors. To get the most out of your systems, undertake software audit, which will help you to examine the effectiveness, security, and flaws in your internal infrastructure.

What is Software Audit?

The word "software audit" is a broad one. On the one hand, you have internal audits that aid with system quality assessment. External audits, on the other hand, are largely concerned with licensing, industry compliance, and regulatory obligations. Nonetheless, the goal of various audit software is essentially the same: to identify faults that may be fixed and to make the most of your system. And auditing is undoubtedly something that businesses are interested in right now.

The various types of software audits

Software Quality Audits:

If your company is still using old software, it is a good idea to do a quality audit and identify areas that should be updated to ensure you have access to the best software available. New technology is continuously emerging, and keeping your systems up to date with the current trends should be an essential element of your plan.

These audits provide you with a piece of mind about your company's future. You require a long-term company strategy, and if you already have an infrastructure, an audit should be one of your top goals. You not only obtain an expert judgment on your system's problems but you're also given suggestions for upgrades and solutions.

When is the best time to do such an audit?

The greatest ones may be when you're expanding your organization, undergoing digital transformation, restructuring your system to meet current market conditions and requirements, or simply in need of a new solution. Even if you believe your present solutions are effective, there are always improvements that may be made.

How should it be used?

There are a lot of approaches you can take when conducting a quality audit. You may either utilize an in-house QA team to ensure that your software is functioning properly, or you can outsource the entire process to professionals.

Outsourcing such a service has numerous advantages. You obtain an independent examination, and the results drawn from such a third-party audit are usually much more accurate.

Another advantage of outsourcing is that you can add resources whenever you want, which is considerably more difficult with an internal team.

Security Audits:

Cybersecurity is currently a major worry for many businesses. Malicious activities such as data breaches, phishing, and distributed denial of service are becoming more widespread. Because our world is primarily reliant on software, hackers use ever-evolving tactics to carry out cyber attacks.

Security audits can help prevent such attacks. By preparing your infrastructure, you will be able to mitigate or avoid harm. There are now several methods for carrying out such audits:

  • Real-world social engineering is used to estimate the likelihood of a future attack.

  • Penetration tests are simulated attacks that allow you to identify weak points, programming mistakes, and configuration issues in your systems.

  • Web Application Security Assessment aids in the detection of weaknesses caused by misconfiguration, information leakage, improper authentication mechanisms, insufficient error handling, and so on.

  • The maturity of your Secure Development Lifecycle process assessment allows you to maintain an appropriate level of security for the apps your team is developing.

  • Third-party application tests to see if they are interfering with the security of your infrastructure.

  • GDPR, HIPAA, SOX, and PCI-DSS compliance audits

Why are software audits conducted?


Quality assurance is perhaps the most fundamental purpose for software audit. Examining your code can offer you vital insights into how to improve it. All of this is done in accordance with industry-specific criteria. This can be critical if you want to accelerate your digital transformation or system modernization. It is critical to ensure that your code and business procedures are of appropriate quality before proceeding. 


Software audits also entail a thorough examination of your current infrastructure and the economics of upgrading it. Due diligence allows you to explore any hidden costs related to future development and analyze technical debt. This allows you to assess the risk of any further investments. 


The assessment of your infrastructure's cybersecurity is also an important aspect of the software quality audit. This entails simulating hacker attacks, often known as penetration testing, to identify security flaws in your system. Because it is virtually the same as a breach or attack, a PENTEST is frequently the best way to uncover any potential threats. 


A software quality audit not only identifies problems with your architecture but also suggests remedies to the problems. Allowing the auditing pros to implement the modifications is a fantastic practice because they know what is wrong with your code the best.

Software audits are more than just a necessary evil that businesses must perform at some point. They are also an excellent opportunity to assess the present status of your product/software/infrastructure and make changes to meet commercial, legal, security, and user needs.


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