Tech updates for 2nd week of June 2022

Tech updates for 2nd week of June 2022

Latest trending news about Apple, Elon Musk, Microsoft, Google news.

According to reports, Apple is planning to launch its own search engine at WWDC 2022.

Apple plans to develop its own search engine as it prepares for its annual WWDC event. The basis of the speculation is a tweet from Robert Scoble, which came after a thread detailing the Apple surprises he expects in the coming year.

Apple feels that the iOS and Safari install bases have achieved critical mass, allowing it to mount a meaningful challenge to Google's dominance. Because of the way Alphabet's revenues are disclosed, estimating the worth of Google Search is tricky. However, we do know that it provides for the majority of the company's ad income, which was $210 billion (16,30,840 crore) in 2021.

Elon Musk has previously targeted YouTube for having scam adverts; does he now have his sights set on YouTube?

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, believes that YouTube is full of fraudulent adverts. He's sent out two tweets in a row to emphasize the point. On Twitter, his tweets have triggered a massive meme fest, with many advising him to buy YouTube. Musk made a hostile takeover bid for a social networking site the last time he was extremely critical of it.

However, Google denied in a separate blog that YouTube does not allow spam, fraud, or other misleading actions that exploit the YouTube community. Google advises users not to publish video on YouTube that promotes monetary gifts, "get rich quick" scams or pyramid schemes that give money without providing a genuine product. Elon Musk's accusations concerning YouTube have elicited no response from Google.

Microsoft's activities in Russia have been shut down, and over 400 people have been laid off.

Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Microsoft declared that it is scaling back its operations and reducing its workforce in Russia. Nearly 400 people will be laid off as a result of the company's new decision to scale back activities in Russia. Microsoft had previously halted sales in Russia in March of this year. IBM, like Microsoft, has announced that it will provide help to employees who have been laid off. "As the war's consequences worsen and uncertainty about its long-term ramifications grows, we have decided to conduct an orderly wind-down of IBM's operations in Russia."

Scientists discover a second strange radio signal originating from space in a fast radio burst.

The discovery of the new Fast Radio Burst (FRB) raises several crucial issues about the signals' origin and source. The signal is estimated to originate from a galaxy roughly 3 billion light-years away. Graduate student David Narkevic and his supervisor Duncan Lorimer are credited with discovering FRB. Scientists, however, have yet to fully comprehend the phenomena, which was initially observed in 2007. A persistent radio source is also close to the preceding FRB. According to the researchers, between bursts, the object produces weaker radio waves.

The Indian government has issued a high-risk warning to Google Chrome and Mozilla users.

The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) of the Indian government recently identified various vulnerabilities in Chrome and Mozilla products. According to CERT-In, these flaws allowed hackers to gain access to all of the users' data and even execute arbitrary code by circumventing all security protections.

Google has recognized the flaws and stated that they have been resolved. To stay protected from these flaws, the company advised customers to download the most recent version of Chrome OS. The impacted Mozilla products have also received updates.


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