Learn about Lazy loading in angular

Learn about Lazy loading in angular

Lazy loading is a technique for optimizing the performance of an Angular application by splitting the application into smaller modules that are only loaded when needed. This can improve the initial load time of the application by reducing the amount of code that needs to be downloaded and parsed by the browser.

Lazy loading is a technique for optimizing the performance of an Angular application by splitting the application into smaller modules that are only loaded when needed. This can improve the initial load time of the application by reducing the amount of code that needs to be downloaded and parsed by the browser.

To use lazy loading in an Angular application, you will need to do the following:

1) Create a feature module: A feature module is a module that contains the code for a specific feature of your application. For example, you might create a feature module for a product catalog, a user profile, or a messaging system. Each feature module should have its own routing module, which defines the routes for that feature.

2) Define a route with the loadChildren property: In your application's root routing module, define a route with a loadChildren property that points to the feature module's routing module. The loadChildren property should be a string that follows the syntax 'path/to/module#ModuleName'.

const routes: Routes = [
  { path: 'catalog', loadChildren: './catalog/catalog.module#CatalogModule' }


3) Use the RouterModule.forChild method: In the feature module's routing module, use the RouterModule.forChild method to define the routes for that feature. The RouterModule.forChild method is similar to the RouterModule.forRoot method, but it does not register the routes with the root injector.


const routes: Routes = [
  { path: '', component: CatalogComponent }

  imports: [RouterModule.forChild(routes)],
  exports: [RouterModule]
export class CatalogRoutingModule {}


4) Preload lazy-loaded modules: To improve the performance of your application, you can use the PreloadAllModules or PreloadAllModulesStrategy to preload lazy-loaded modules. This will cause the router to start loading the lazy-loaded modules in the background while the user is interacting with the application.

         To use the PreloadAllModules strategy, add it to the imports array of the root routing module:

  imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes, { preloadingStrategy: PreloadAllModules })],
  exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule {}

Lazy loading can greatly improve the performance of an Angular application, especially for applications with many routes or large feature modules. By splitting the application into smaller, self-contained modules, you can reduce the initial payload size and improve the loading time of your application.

However, it's important to keep in mind that lazy loading can also increase the complexity of your application, as it requires you to manage multiple routing modules and define the routes for each feature module. You should carefully consider the trade-offs between performance and complexity when deciding whether to use lazy loading in your application.

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