Email Marketing Best Practices That Drive Results

Email Marketing Best Practices That Drive Results

Email marketing does have the highest return of any marketing channel. However, successful email marketing involves more than just sending a monthly newsletter to your email list. If you want to capture, engage, nurture, and convert prospects, understand each step of an effective email marketing strategy.

1. Do not buy contact lists.

Email campaigns rely on a healthy open rate, and if you're contacting people whose information you bought rather than earned from a previous interaction, your emails' performance will suffer quickly.

2. Do not include 'No-Reply' in the sender's email address.

One important CAN-SPAM rule is to never use the words "no reply" or a similar phrase as the sender's email address (for example, "[email protected]").

The phrase "no reply" in an email message prevents recipients from responding and even opting out of receiving future emails. Instead, use a first name to automate your emails (for example, [email protected]). Customers are much more likely to open emails written by humans, and it keeps you in compliance with email regulations.

3. Limit yourself to no more than three typefaces.

Don't clog up your email with more than two fonts or typefaces, as this will distract readers and ruin the visual appeal of your email.

You should also use web-safe fonts with sizes ranging from 10-point to 12-point. This ensures that your email is readable by all readers and devices.

4. Include a signature in your email.

Even if your newsletter is sent to your contacts on behalf of the company rather than an individual, the email should include a specific person's signature.

An email signature adds a personal touch. People are more likely to read an email if they know it was sent by a human being rather than a marketing team.Your email signature is your admission ticket into their world.

5. Make the email greeting unique.

You can segment your email audiences based on the type of customer they are (member, subscriber, user, etc.), but this should not be the first thing recipients see when they receive company messages.

Personalizing the greeting of your emails with the first names of your contacts immediately captures the attention of each reader. The address line of your email would then automatically produce the contact's first name by retrieving this personalization token from the email's HTML, as shown below: Hello,!

Many email marketing tools today allow you to configure your email campaign's greeting so that it automatically sends with the names of the people on your contact list - ensuring that everyone receives a personalised message.

6. Keep your email's width between 500 and 650 pixels.

If your email template is wider than 650 pixels, it will not display correctly and users will have to scroll horizontally to read the entire email.

This is, to say the least, inconvenient and will most likely have an impact on your conversion. Fitting your template into the standard format will improve readability, conversions, and the overall user experience.

7. Split test your subject lines and calls to action.

Perform an A/B test. It can be applied to almost any type of digital marketing content. This test divides your email recipients into two groups: Group A gets the regular newsletter, while Group B gets the newsletter with a specific theme.

This variation determines whether your audience is more or less likely to take action based on that element.

8. Include your company's logo.

When it comes to emails, logos are a must. When a logo was included in the email, brand recall increased by 18% after a five-second exposure. Purchase likelihood increased by a whopping 34% in emails that included logos.

9. Include the offer name in the subject line.

When you include an incentive in your subject line, your open rates will skyrocket. Customer loyalty begins with casual industry insights; only after nurturing should offers be introduced.

10. Enable recipients to sign up for your newsletter.

Including a "Subscribe" button in your email with a small but visible CTA that allows an email viewer who received this email from someone else to subscribe to the newsletter.

However, because your newsletter should already be driving another action, such as downloading an ebook or becoming a member of a community, make sure this "Subscribe" button does not distract or confuse users, undermining your main campaign goal in the process.


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