About RangeMaster

RangeMaster® is an innovative platform designed to enhance the experience of both shooting club administrators and participants. It offers a comprehensive suite of features that streamline the management of shooting clubs, match organization, and participant engagement. Through a combination of a custom-built ASP.NET MVC solution and two mobile applications developed using the Ionic framework, RangeMaster® empowers match directors and competitors alike.







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Club and Member Management

Efficiently manage shooting clubs by maintaining member profiles, roles, and permissions. Administrators can easily add, remove, or update member information, ensuring accurate communication and engagement.

Club and Member Management
Match Hosting and Registration

Match Hosting and Registration

RangeMaster® simplifies match organization by providing a platform for match directors to create and host shooting events. Competitors can conveniently register for matches, view match details, and access all relevant information in one place.

Match Information Centralization

Match directors can effortlessly share essential details such as event schedules, rulebooks, and venue information. Participants can access these details through their profiles, reducing the need for scattered communication channels.

Match Information Centralization
Online Squadding

Online Squadding

RangeMaster® offers a digital squadding system that enables participants to select preferred shooting squads online. This feature enhances the planning process and ensures smooth coordination among shooters.

Automated Scoring using AI and openCV

Their sports app integrates state-of-the-art AI to automate the scoring of gunshots on targets, ushering in a new era for shooting sports evaluation. Utilizing advanced algorithms, the system meticulously analyzes each shot, delivering precise and instant scoring. This innovative solution brings heightened objectivity and efficiency to scoring processes, creating a fair and captivating experience for participants. With real-time insights, the AI-powered scoring system elevates the competitive edge of shooting sports, seamlessly blending technology into the excitement of the game.

Automated Scoring using AI and openCV
RangeMaster Staff App

Staff App

The staff app we developed serves as an indispensable tool for scoring in shooting sports, streamlining the process and enhancing efficiency. Tailored specifically for staff members, the app simplifies scoring tasks, allowing for swift and accurate assessment of gunshots on targets. Its user-friendly interface ensures seamless navigation, empowering staff to focus on facilitating a smooth and engaging experience for participants. With our staff app, the scoring process becomes not only technologically advanced but also a user-centric component, contributing to the overall success and enjoyment of the sporting event.

Participant App

The participant app crafted by the development team offers shooters a dedicated platform to stay abreast of club activities, access match details, and review scores with ease. Featuring an intuitive user interface, participants navigate effortlessly through their club's events, gaining insights into upcoming matches and their own performance history. This app empowers shooters to actively engage with their sporting community, fostering camaraderie and healthy competition. Serving as a centralized hub for club activities and real-time scores, the participant app enhances the overall shooting sports experience, transforming it into a connected and enriching community endeavor for all involved.

RangeMaster Participant App

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  • font-family: "Pt sans";
  • font-family: "Source pro sans";
  • font-family: "Open sans";

Our development process




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